Apple's original iMac marked the beginning of a turnaround for the company, and despite the consumer-oriented nature of the product, iMacs have found a place in many a home studio over the years. I have a Power Mac G5 SP 1.8Gz PowerPC running Leopard. With that said I have a dilemma. My work now requires me to edit reports from home. This wouldn't be a problem but the company's website can only be accessed via Internet Explorer and only from Windows machine. Quite a few people still have Power Mac G5s kicking around, and quite a few people have iMac G3s around as well. That's our guess of what still has the most ground in the PowerPC World. The PPC Archive team ourselves has a variety of machines, ranging from iMac G3s, Blue and Whites, iBooks, PowerBooks, and G5 systems! Nov 21, 2015 Nov 21, 2015. A few days ago I decided to install ubuntu mate 15.10 on my PowerMac G5 dual 2Ghz (with a Radeon 9200) I got everything working Sound, Graphics and even wireless and CPU speed stepping so I decided to try setting up QEMU with KVM for those who don't know QEMU is a emulator/virtualiser that can do many different machines.
Is the Power Mac G5 still a nice machine if I find one used in nice shape? I currently run a Core 2 Duo MacBook with 2GB of RAM.
I run Adobe Lightroom, and the entire Creative Suite 3.
I want a Mac desktop, but I don't like the iMac and the Mac Pro is way too much money. So . . .is the Power Mac G5 now too outdated to even bother with? If it would be worth getting one, what specs would it need to have to run at least on par with my MacBook? And would it run Leopard well?
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LeopardRebirth Theme… and what happened with the PPC Challenge
I’ll start off with the challenge. So about halfway through the week I was making good progress on the macOS Sierra theme for Leopard, and then I found that a member of MacRumors released a theme called “LeopardRebirth” which ultimately … Continue reading